Missing Pieces

Every puzzler's worst nightmare is finishing your beautiful new puzzle and one of the pieces is not there! 

There's a lot of boxes a brand must check for us to stock them here at Pluto & Nessie but one of the biggest requirements is that they have a Missing Piece Service!

If you do find yourself a piece short please use the following links and emails to contact the brand directly to get your replacement piece as quick as possible! Please note that most brands will need the name of the puzzle, proof of purchase, a photo of the gap, coordinates and often a batch number.

Reverie Puzzles: click here

Magnolia Puzzles: click here

Trevell Puzzles: click here 

Eeboo Puzzles: click here

Werkshoppe Puzzles: click here

New York Puzzle Company: email woops@newyorkpuzzlecompany.com

Villager Puzzles: email hello@villagerpuzzles.com

For pieces missing from board games sold by us please use our contact form and we will get back to you! Please note that we cannot replace lost game pieces.